Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Hey my ladybugs. It's been a while. I've been travelling abroad and was caught up in a lot of hustle that I didn't have time to blog. I'm back however and obvi still writing on my favourite internet people. I was wondering how Kenyan YouTubers gain their audience, some have a lot of views but not subscribers others vice versa. Some a little views and even less subscribers but have great content, while others have a huge audience and views but not so great content.

So I took 5 of the most popular YouTubers in the country and created a popularity scale based on my observations.

Elodie Zone comes off as the most likeable of the top 5. She mixes English with Kiswahili very well which a lot of Kenyans like. She also uses a lot of Kenyan slang which at first glance you wouldn't think she does. She comes from a rich background but stays connected to her Kenyan audience very well. I would say she's doing the best job at maintaining her Kenyan viewers. 

Susan Wong and Sharon Mundia (This is Ess) are adored by many. They especially have a large Kenyan female audience. They go to Kenyan restaurants and review food, and also do nice fun challenges on their channel, like when Sharon taught Susan some Kiswahili. They are generally likeable but might not connect with the majority of Kenyans due to their accents (which I adore by the way) and seemingly previledged background. If their sole target is the Kenyan AB market then they will ace at getting them. 

Nancie has decided to upload more to YouTube this year. Primarily known as a blogger in the country, she's keen on taking her channel to the next level. Like Our2Cents the majority of her audience is Kenyan female viewers, (me included by the way, HER MAKE UP GAME IS TOTALLY TO DIE FOR). What keeps her connected to her audience is her typical Kenyan accent. Most Kenyans will feel attached to her and relate to her channel on a personal level therefore scoring her a large audience this way.

Levis generally has a very interesting channel. He's fun to watch due to his excentric ways. But to a certain audience. His channel is also vulgar (which I love) and very open which to most Kenyans who are very conservative might be scary. He doesn't use Kiswahili or sheng at all like Elodie does. This locks out a large pie of Kenyan viewers from relating to him and his channel. Maybe if he did this he'd even have more subscribers than let's say Elodie. Because again his channel is too legit. But like with Our2Cents, if his target audience is AB then he's doing a good job at creating his brand.

People generally like Shaq. I'm sure he's a great guy. But popularity doesn't necessarily translate to having that YouTube  X-Factor. One video he did with TV Host Tracy Wanjiru came off as very offensive as he was promoting the idea that light skinned girls are better. Me being a darker girl myself was extremely offended. But it's not because of this video that I drew my likeability scale conclusion for Shaq. 

Tell me what you think of my list and whether it makes sense or not. And if you haven't checked out these YouTube channels before, be sure to go and do it ASAP. 



  1. Hello, I'm new to this website and i just wanted to ask you guys to check out my first vlog.. Here's the link.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK2lS6z_4pA
